hola finlandia

HolaFinlandia -project

Recruitment of Health Care Professionals from the Canary Islands to workplaces in Finland

Estimated start of recruitment training: Latest by March 2022
Estimated duration of the training:
12 months

Moving to Finand: Spring 2023

Content (mostly via video connection):

  • 450 h Finnish language training (aiming for A.2.2.-B.1 level skills, on European Framework of Reference)
  • Advice and guidance on life and living in Finland
  • Advice on working life in Finland
  • Contact to Finnish health care sector employers
  • Aiming for long term work contracts
  • Guidance in Finnish professional practice rights application
  • Support and own language Help Desk during the project
  • Contact to local migrant support and guidance services when moving to Finland

Most of the recruitment training is carried out via video connection. 25% of language teaching takes place on site in the Canary Islands. Counseling and information sessions are also held on site. Employers can conduct recruitment interviews there.

How to apply:

Send an e-mail to apply @ innovi.fi and you will receive a link to the electronic application form.

The project is coordinated by Innovi Association Finland.


In English: contact @ innovi.fi

In Spanish: hola @ innovi.fi